This is a photo by Stephanie.
The color of this fruit unusual and very attractive.
Below is an example of the dragon fruit from
Guatemala. The white and red flesh of the dragon
fruit can combine to make many different beautiful shades of pink.

Hoang dragon fruit company (Vietnam)

Memory of the war in Vietnam – photo byHoward Henry Chen

A street vendor in Vietnam and a customer impressed with
this unusual fruit.

To increase the drama of eating this fruit,
make a Hitchcock face.
This is a farm in Thailand. A young tourist is touching
a fruit gingerly.

The 3 wisemen from the West was takenat 2006 Pitaya Festival. On the left is
Mr.Edgar Valdivia, the host of the Festival. In the middle is
Mr. Paul Thomson who is a pioneer of the pitahayain California (30+ years).
Mr. Paul Thomson wrote a book on pitahaya culturefor the growers in California.
On the right is Mr. Leo Manuel who runsthe PITAHAYA GROUP in Yahoo.
Mr. Leo Manuel also edits thepitahaya newsletter. The pitahaya book by
Thomson is alsoavailableby mail order from Mr. Leo Manuel.

Mr. Edgar Valdivia in the Simi Valley is a member ofCalifornia Rare
Fruit Growers. Mr. Valdivia is a major personalityspreading the word
and organizing Pitaya Festivals in Southern California.

Mr. Paul Thomson was at the 2007 Pitaya Festival.
Mr. Ramiro Lobo is on the right side in the photo.
Ramiro has a good collection of self fruiting red
flesh and white flesh dragon fruits growning in Irvine.
Ramiro is the Small Farm Advisor at the University of California
Cooperative Extension in San Diego County. His office is in San Marcos,
California. He is willing to share his experience with this
plant. Office number is (760)752-4724.

The red color can stain tongue, clothes, urine, toilet.

This fruit grows from a vine cactus. This photo is taken in Asia.
A plant that is properly managed can produce a large number of fruits.

George Emerich grows dragon fruit from his home at the north side of San Diego
County. This is a very productive plant growing in a jacaranda tree.
After the photo was taken, the plant became too heavy forthe jacaranda
tree. Since than, the tree broke and everythingfell to the ground.

Pots of dragon fruits for gift and decoration, by Rainbow Divers in Vietnam

Dragon fruit is a nice prop for children photos.

The unmistakable bright color skin and white flesh.

Jiang Yiyan in Marie Clarie magazine in China.

Tutti Frutti series of self-portraits made by Cristina Otero in Spain.

NUDE4FOOD is a challenge to remove all chemicals and GMO,
Hawaii organic food movement.

Speakers at 2019 Dragon Fruit Festival in Irvine, California.
From left, Paco Frausto is a grower/researcher (grafting) in Los Angeles.
Eyal Givon is owner of a farm in Moorpark, California.
Edgar Valdivia is a home grower in Thousand Oaks, a leader in the festival.
On right, Donovan Vasta is a researcher (The Palora Experience) from Cal Poly Pomona.

All about dragon fruit
Grow the plant from cuttings
Grow the plant from tissue culture
Awesome fruits
Pitahaya Festival 2009, LA TIMES report by David Karp
Squidoo dragon fruit page by Marc3II
Dragon fruit poster from Malaysia
If you are interested in growing this plant, please read
this book for more information.
A new book for 2009: Better gardening and good health